Welcome Everyone

My name is Zargham Ali and I love to travel.

Well I am not a good writer but I love to travel. From a very young age, I very enthusiastic about travelling. I spent so many countless hours on family road trips & vacations to near and far places. By the way I belong to Peshawar located in Pakistan, so I got my first taste of the northern areas of Pakistan. These travelling experiences had a everlasting effect on me.  Then getting into the professional life got so hectic that I did not use to find time for travel.
For my Masters I came to Germany. Although studies were hectic but I still used to find time whenever I could. I traveled a lot in Germany and also the neighboring countries.  
Europe is amazing. So many different people and cultures. I made so many friends on exchange program. After my Masters then started the tense time period to find a job. During that time there was no travelling at all.  
Once I got the job and it got permanent after few months, that i decided to travel again. So every weekend I would choose a destination and plan through the whole week for it. 
I procrastinate a lot. So my philosophy is instead of planning a week trip, plan day trip and just go. This motivated me a lot. So every weekend there was a new destination waiting to be discovered by me.
I got married last year so now the travelling is double fun because I get to do it with my best buddy and share the same feelings and experience the adventures together.
So this blog is home for my adventure stories. I will share photos and stories from the places I visit and the cultures I explore. I will also share tips to help you in your travels and inspire you to get your passport out and travel more often.
I hope that my blog inspires you and fuels your passion for travelling. I hope you’ll join me on my adventures!
 I’ll keep you up to date on all the latest stories and tips from Germany and around the world.

Best Regards
Zargham Ali

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